Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (and cleaning features)

I’m not an expert on cleaning malware (I’m far from that…), but a lot of advanced technicians here recommend Farbar log functions.
Won’t its features be a nice add to Avast ones? Maybe Igor could give us some insights about it.


Won't its features be a nice add to Avast ones?
What do you mean, that FRST should be built in to avast AV ?

Honestly i don’t think it should be embedded into avast! as some people might mess around with it and end up breaking Windows… (If that is possible with Farbar)

People can sure easily breakup things with Farbar.

Farbar should not come with nor implemented in avast in any way.
It is not a anti-malware tool in any way.

exactly, with FRST you need to know what you do or you end up with a paper weight

As I’ve said, I’m not an expert on these tools.
I was thinking on “logging and cleaning” features.
Avast team will be able to judge which ones are safe to kept. Generally, all the logs and some non deep cleaning ones.

In Prague, some of us commented about HijackThis-like apps. Is there anyone to recommend?

The only one I would recommend (and I don’t know every single one that exists) is Farbar.

But the fixlist should be only created by someone who has the relevant knowledge about both how Farbar is working, what options it has etc as well as being able to find the correct information about entries that are unknown to that person.

In my opinion there is absolutely no need for avast to add something like this to the av (or other tools).
avast already does detect things and it is just a matter of adding more/better detection either in the VPS or “rule based” detection as well as better removal for things that are detected.
e.g. not only remove the malicious file(s), but also all corresponding registry entries.

p.s. Was the swimming pool in their hq ready? ;D

Eddy, it such tools exist and you recommend them in some cases, why should we recommend a non-Avast tool and, at the same time, wish not to add this feature into Avast?
I’m thinking on “cleaning capabilities” of Avast. If it adds nothing, so, let’s close the thread :slight_smile:

Short answer is avast currently have any such tools, as and when they do and are available, then we could recommend them.

But and it is a big but, who should use them ? Would this be the same as now, whilst there are other tools they are to be used under guidance of a qualified malware removal specialist.