When scanning drive d the blue screen comes up saying Fatal Exception Error has occurred at OE. and my system stops responding.What should I do?Also how do I changed the drives to be scanned for viruses?Thanks for your help.bear41 ???
Strange, can you repair your avast! installation?
Control Panel > avast antivirus > change/uninstall > at the popup window choose Repair. You must be connected to the Internet.
If you are talking about on-demand scanning, after you run avast antivirus, you can choose 3 options: local hard disks, removable media or specific folders…
If you are talking about on-access scanning, oh, you can ‘exclude’ a specific folder/drive from scanning (anyway, I suggest you do not do this… the infection could happen in this particular drive that you are not scanning…). 8)
What is this drive D: - an ordinary hard disk partition?
What is your operating system? Can you send a minidump of the crash?