Will you please tell me a few of your favorite Chrome and/or Firefox extensions and why they are your favorite?
I use only 2 - Adblock Plus (blocks ads) and Forecastfox (weather). Both are available for Chrome and Firefox.
Will you please tell me a few of your favorite Chrome and/or Firefox extensions and why they are your favorite?
I use only 2 - Adblock Plus (blocks ads) and Forecastfox (weather). Both are available for Chrome and Firefox.
ABP with Easylist & Easyprivacy, Lastpass and Do Not Track Me…All on Chrome.
I think a forum search is in order as I’m certain this has been covered before for firefox. Anything that doesn’t mention NoScript is lacking. RequestPolicy is another but that is more intrusive than NoScript.
No Script is way too much of a pain. It blocks everything so your constantly having to allow and refresh.
I don’t find it any hassle as I have had it a very long time so sites I visit regularly are already sorted.
Could you tell me if No Script for Firefox is more like NotScripts or ScriptNo in Chrome?
Well NotScript is based on NoScript as far as I’m aware.
Different developer(s) and different source code. But the idea is to provide NoScript-like functionality to Google Chrome. I used NotScripts in the past and quite liked it actually, have not tried ScriptNo yet. I guess it all depends on what you need and feel comfortable with. If you aren’t comfortable with NotScripts or ScriptNo and you just want to block plugins from running on web pages you could also use the in built “click to play” option.
My favorite add-on for any browser is LastPass. On Chrome i also use AdBlock with EasyList + EasyPrivacy + Malware Domains lists.
Firefox…Do Not Track Me, Traffic Light, Browser Protect, Trustwave Secure Browsing, AdBlock+, Website Informer, Webutation, Cookie manager and WEBREP.
Thanks for all the great ideas. I appreciate it.
My favourites using Firefox are WOT, NoScript, Ghostery, Lastpass, Forecastfox, Colourful Tabs, Firegestures Keyscrambler and Adblock+.
For FireFox, my favorite is NoScript, followed by ABP, WOT, Avast Webrep. I don’t use chrome extensively, but I do use it on a mac with Adblock on that. I tried NotScripts and found it too complicated. That said, Macs are less vulnerable (right now, anyway), and I keep my nose out of places it doesn’t belong.
EDIT: I don’t know how I forgot betterprivacy for ff. I originally was seeking a replacement for adobe’s control panel when it glitched and deleted all the flash cookies except the ones I tried to. I began to appreciate being able to delete individual cookies after finding it.