Feature request/question

Upon initial setup I ran the discovery task and let adnm sniff out all of my pc’s it could find. Now a few weeks after the fact I want to add a computer. Instead of running the discovery task again I would like to just manually add it. I know I can use the add computer function and type in all the info but I’m lazy and would much prefer to browse through the network and add it with a click. It would be nice to see such functionality added if possible.

Well actually the only thing you need to type is the computer name and domain…

You can also rerun the discovery task - or that’s a problem in your scenario? It is meant to be run periodically.

In fact, it is meant in such a way that you can create a Discovery Task chained with a Deployment Task. The Deployment Task would be set to run on a dynamic computer group that contains all computers without avast installed (dynamic computer groups are enclosed in normal parentheses ( ) in task target definition). You’d then schedule the Discovery Task to run e.g. every night and it would automatically install the software on all new machines…