fed up Of Porn Redirects and silly webite

guys isn’t there any way we could block google redirects …when ever am using the internet am just redirects to websites i dont even know please help …

Your the one with IT consultant under your forum name … you should tell us :wink:

when ever am using the internet am just redirects to websites i dont even know please help
Evry time! is your browser's full of crap?

Tried AdwCleaner ?

Sounds like Malware to me.
Google isn’t redirecting me to anyplace that I didn’t ask to go to in the first place. :slight_smile:

Start a new topic in V&W and post your logs there: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?action=post;board=4

am an IT Consultant not a NERRD nor a Chrome developer of Avast developer

i use avast clean up cant it do??

Only one way to find out … an IT Consultant should know :wink:

No. It’s not a work for Avast Cleanup but for Avast Antivírus full scanning.
Resetting browser could help: https://www.avast.com/browser-cleanup

Asyn has suggested you run and attach the logs of analysis tools, though the link isn’t correct. The sticky topic ‘Logs to assist in cleaning malware’ at the top of the Viruses and Worms forum - https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=194892.0.

If you ignore that I don’t know how we can help you further.


“It Consultants” don’t need any help. :slight_smile:

;D 8)

I thought we had covered this ground before, there is little point in asking for help if you aren’t going to follow the suggestions.