FFS.... what a crappy fucking site.

Typed a nice long post with what I liked and did not like about avast, entered the letters and it was rejected…

I wont bother trying to remember what I posted…

Maybe you guys should think long and hard about disabled people with bad eyesight being able to use this forum… or not.

Have a nice day, I won’t be back. Lets hope I can get the letters right this time.

spam protection…and only the first 3 posts :wink:

Hi kiwi1960,

Sorry when we made it hard on you, but content spammers can be a real pain in the back/neck/etc.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but your computer has a shift key and a mousewheel
and by keeping this shift key pressed and turn the mousewheel,
you can make all on the screen largeror smaller to your eyes.
Maybe an idea for the next time you come by and have passed our spam protection measures.
