FFXI: Uruguay 6/7/8 - false positive?

I’m trying to update Final Fantasy XI, but it keeps alerting me to:

File name: C:\Program Files\PlayOnline\SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XI\ROM2\13\55.DAT.tmp3
File name: C:\Program Files\PlayOnline\SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XI\ROM2\13\55.DAT.tmp2

Malware name: Uruguay 6/7/8

Malware type: Virus/Worm

VPS version: 0529-2, 21/07/2005

false positives, surely?

Submit these files to JOTTI and tell us what it says.

File: 55.DAT
POSSIBLY INFECTED/MALWARE (Note: this file has been scanned before. Therefore, this file’s scan results will not be stored in the database) (Note: this file was only classified as malware by scanners known to generate more false positives than the average scanner. Do not consider these results definately accurate. Also, because of this, results of this scan will not be recorded in the database.)
MD5 6dc4a8c3865218254f26333ef959057a
Packers detected:

Scanner results
Found nothing
Found nothing
Found Uruguay 6/7/8
AVG Antivirus
Found nothing
Found nothing
Found nothing
Found nothing
F-Prot Antivirus
Found nothing
Found nothing
Kaspersky Anti-Virus
Found nothing
Found nothing
Norman Virus Control
Found nothing
Found nothing
Found nothing

what’s it on about ‘this file was only classified as malware by scanners known to generate more false positives than the average scanner.’? cheeky! that’s not been my experience of avast, if it was i’d be using something else!

Please submit the files in a password protected zip to virus@avast.com
Mention in the body of the mail the password and a link to this thread.
Let the people from Alwil have a look at it.

Avast is good giving false positive. It is the price to use a free program. I had never seen a false positive using Norton and it have better detection rate.


I’ve seen FP’s with EVERY AV I have seen. And trus me, after about 25 years I’ve seen a lot of av’s.

Guestlogin, if you’re sure, you can add it to the two avast! exclusion lists.
One in program settings, for the on-demand scanning.
And other in Standard Shield settings, for the on-access protection (residents).

if you are confident that it isnt malware and not a threat you can put the file path in your exclusion list (in settings) then it will not be scanned :slight_smile: