File scan using windows context menu doesn't work


When I try to scan a file using windows context menu, nothing happens. Normally you see something happen, but this is like it’s a dead link. Am using latest Avast, WinXP Pro.

Any ideas/help would be much appreciated.


Right click Avast icon - select settings - select common - tick show results of explorer extension. Otherwise it will just happen and nothing will show if it is safe

Thanks, but that didn’t work either… :frowning:
Any other suggestions?

Jenai :slight_smile:

It should could you try an Avast repair (you need to be online) Got to Control panel - add/remove - select avast - select repair.

Keep us updated

Nope… dang, that didn’t help. :frowning:


Jenai, your computer behavior is strange…
The Context Menu should work… are you sure you’ve checked the option to show the results?

Can you uninstall / boot / install / boot again?

Yes… to question #1
#2. did that… same result… nothing… This is too weird.


OK thinking and playing

Ok, thanks. :slight_smile:


I assume you have no other AV program on you system right ?

What AV program did you have (uninstall) before installing Avast ?

Doing the following as already suggest in this thread worked for me. “Right click Avast icon - select settings - select common - tick show results of explorer extension.”

If you have a “check mark” in "Show results of explorer extension in the “common” (top) Page in the Program Settings it should work.

Possibly the uninstalled AV left a registry setting which is interfering with this setting ???

No, I don’t have any other anti-virus program installed. Avast is the only one since I reformatted and installed XPPro SP2

I have done all the suggestions from this thread, and I posted I had.

Thanks for your input. :slight_smile:


OK follow my original steps but uncheck show results, reboot then tick show results see if that works

Ok… did that… Still the same. :frowning:

Is there a way to edit the context menu?
Oh, and on the context menu, underneath the “scan item”, it says 'Edit the extension" (exe) or whatever the extension is.



Do you have ashshell.dl into avast! folder?

Thanks… the contextedit really didn’t help… :frowning:

And yup, I have ashshell.dll in the avast folder…


Jenai, I’ve reach my knowleage limit… unfortunatelly I could not go further.
I’ve asked superior help to Alwil team.
Just to be sure, if you choose a big file (for instance, *.zip or *.arj or *.cab) and try to scan it, don’t you even see the quick scanner interface? I’m not saying the results, just the scanner interface.

Yikes… I was in the middle of ans when my puter up and rebooted it’self.

Yes, I have tried all different kinds of files… Nothing happens, it’s like it’s dead… no flash, nothing.

I have found something though… If I add a shortcut to the ashQuick.exe in my “Send To” folder, and send the file that I want to scan there, it does it just fine…
But… this really isn’t normal… I shouldn’t have to do that.

Something is wrong somewhere… lol


After all, I think you’re computer has a problem, not avast… Nothing is normal

Maybe… but I’m not having any problems anywhere else, or with any other programs. The spontaneus reboot was an isolated insident. It didn’t happen before nor since.
Don’t get me wrong… I’m not completely blaming Avast. I love the program… I think it’s the best out there. It may be a combo of things…

Thanks for trying to help.

Can you start the “ordinary” avast! scanners, namely ashSimple.exe and ashSimpl2.exe from avast! installation folder? What about ashQuick.exe?