File will not delete

File will not delete

I have a virus that will not delete I have tried several scanners but they all can not remove the virus.
I was able to rename the file so the virus dose not work anymore. But no mater what I do I can not delete the file.
I have also tried hocked the hard drive up to another computer and tried removing it but it will still not delete it. I have also tried deleting it in dos mode using ntfspro that can create and delete files on a ntfs partisan in dos and it says “access denied” it will not let me reset the attributes ether.

It is on a windows 2000 computer formatted with NTFS. I can rename the file and move it

If anyone can help with his it would be a big help.

can you give us some more info on what virus and where its located .?? :slight_smile:

Welcome to the board !

Try this: Login as adminstrator (not as user with admin rights), take ownership of the file. Then remove it. If that fails look at these websites:;en-us;320081

Thanks a lot I got it off. Just had to take ownership of it first worked grate.

It was a file called kbdgkda.dll it was a w32 based I forget what it was called exactly :-
Was in the c:\windows/system32 dir

Thanks again for your help. :slight_smile:

No problem :smiley: That is what we try to do here (helping people) Have fun and keep your system clean :wink: