Hi there, does anyone know what avast! means by “FileRepMalware”?
I’m getting it on my Macromedia Flash 8 application that I’ve used for about 2 years alert-free. But today, I tried opening and I get what is seen in the picture. (tried opening it four times) As you can see, I’ve scanned it from the Virus Chest and it gives “-- no virus --”. I’ve tried restoring it and then scanning it but it just says “Scan completed, but some items could not be scanned”, I checked the scan details and about 40 files attempted to be scanned but they have “archived or passworded”.
Think this is safe?
i think it means the file have a low reputation score…
upload and test suspicious file(s) to www.virustotal.com and test With 40+ malware scanners
post link to scan result here
how to upload if you have the file in avast virus chest…
see DavidR post here http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=87295.msg701625#msg701625
Uploaded and tested.
SHA256: fcf3cd64a9aa8ea01f1a1742de515f41172371d786c9cce99e33b46cb488d689
File name: Flash8Portable.exe
Detection ratio: 5 / 43
Analysis date: 2013-05-16 20:07:18 UTC ( 0 minutes ago )
The reported viruses are things like “Dropper” and “TrojanDropper.VB”
easier to post the link 
First submission 2009-06-26 01:57:03 UTC ( 3 år, 10 måneder siden )
seem to be False Positive, a file this old should have more then 5 hits if it was malware
Final rating for the file is unknown It only isn’t a false positive when we do not have to deal here with a cracked version.
The generic find in that case is for a Meredrop variant is with a supposed crack, please test the file in another antivirus product
before reporting…see: http://v.virscan.org/W32/Dropper.AOLR%20(Exact).html
I am bringing this back up. This is getting annoying. I am trying to setup this file for a BurstCoin Wallet. Avast keeps on blocking it saying it is a FileRepMalware. I totally find this unacceptable. I am so sick of these false positives when it comes to cryptocurrency mining. You guys have too change this verification nonsense. It’s hurting my eyes.