Find Computers Task failed with : WNetOpenEnum failed error

I am using Windows 7 Professional 64bit in Workgroup environment.

I have just installed “avast! Endpoint Protection Suite Plus” with Enterprise Administration.

  • Installation successful.
  • Run the “Find Computers” Task. Didn’t find any clients.
  • I can find the others computers/clients in Windows Explorer.

Checked the Server Log. It has following errors

Task started using the 0x0005835D session
Going to enumerate computers using the LAN manager
Microsoft Terminal Services
Going to enumerate computers using the LAN manager
Microsoft Windows Network
Going to enumerate computers using the LAN manager
WNetOpenEnum failed with 0x00000520 error
Web Client Network
Going to enumerate computers using the LAN manager
WNetOpenEnum failed with 0x000004C6 error
Adding 0x00000008 engine group…

I guess “WnetOpenEnum” error is related to .Net Frame work, Enabled following two option, these options were worked in the past for some programs.

Turn Windows Features On and Off
→ Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5.1
→ Windows Communication Foundation HTTP Activation (Ticked)
→ Windows Communication Foundation Non-HTTP Activation (Ticked)

But enabling above didn’t worked.

Please Help. Thanks.

^ Also turned Off the Windows firewall, but didn’t worked that too.

If it related to .NET framework, just try to windows update, windows will try to repair the .NET…

you can also try to repair the AEA console using [add and remove program > repair]

when you try to “find computers”, may I know what your detection (Basic/Advanced) configuration?

  1. OK. I am updating my OS with Service Pack 1 and will install other windows update.
  2. I will also try repairing AEA

I haven’t changed any Basic/Advanced options of “find computers” task. Its default. Should I need to change any?


Yes. Finally “Find Computers” task working.

I have tried…

  1. Installed Windows 7 SP1 and done automatic update. Didn’t worked.

  2. AEA instillation Repair. Didn’t worked.

  3. Looked at “avast! Enterprise Administration Server” Service. Changed Log On credential to my user (with admin rights). It’s worked.


I seee, So, it’s because of the user previleges… :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought it’s because of .net error, so it wasn’t…