Addressing API’s like Google does for chromium-based browsers just keeps the “cat-and-mouse-game” on,
but is not an effective way to block browser fingerprinting (like the way the Disconnect extension does this).
polonus (volunteer 3rd party cold recon website security analyst and website error-hunter)
That is true, and that is why I am beta-testing the 2020 beta version of that beast. ;D
Think that Sander and the Avast Secure Browser team did a grand job with this beta-version.
I test it with some of my favorite extensions including Avast Online Security,
they are Hackcheck (coming with ASB), Malwarebytes, retire,js (use that for my virus and worm website scans a.o.),
HTTPS Everywhere, Privacy Badger, CSP Tester, JNote, JavaScript Errors Notifier, Zen Mate Web Firewall, Avast Adblock
(coming with the browser and Avast Browser Security and Privacy Centre (active) off when visiting the avast forum.
polonus (volunteer 3rd party cold recon website security analyst and website error-hunter)