Firefox and Thunderbird blocking problem Avast ver 4.7

Hi. for some time I have had intermittent loading on web pages using firefox. Eventually I have found that when a page hesitates or stops loading for a while it can be freed by Stop on access protection.
Sometimes the same thing happens with Thunderbird when trying to send a mail.
When access protection is stopped I do not have aforementioned problems.
After full virus scan there are no problems found, nor does Avast give any error or access warnings.
O/S is win XP and I also run Spyware Terminator. Firewall disabled.
Modem router is a Dlink DSL-G604t. No proxy set.

So this means that on a daily basis, I have to stop access protection, and restart it several times.
Any ideas?
Thank you.

Are you using the antivirus integrated into SpywareTerminator?
Which is your firewall (the one that is disabled)?
Did you have any other antivirus before avast? Which one?
Any other security program that could interfere?

Not using Clamav I should have mentioned sorry.
No firewall - I depend on the router - windows firewall is disabled.
No prior AV.
I do have Adblock Plus within Firefox, but doubt thats the problem as Thunderbird is being effected sometimes too. It just seems that when the Web Shield is disabled, all works fine.
Thank you.

For sure WebShield works… something is conflicting but it’s hard to guess what is it?
Any other security program that could interfere?

Ill use windows task manager to kill a few tasks until I can get a consistent difference between blocked and unblocked and report back here. Cheers, Alistair

Sometimes this is not enough as the conflict are on low level drivers uploaded just after boot and not only on the running processes.
Do you use any proxy application, like an annonimizer or a content filter?

Thx for all the feedback guys :smiley:

I got to go train now, but I’m going to study this and consider using all the modules for Avast.

Thanks again. I’ll be back later to check for more posts.

I’m having the exact same problem as the first poster. Firefox randomly just stops loading web pages and the only thing I know that helps is stopping and restarting Avast’s On-Access Protection or restarting Firefox. I’ve tried disabling Add-ons, but they don’t seem to make any difference. Neither does shutting down Comodo personal firewall that I’m using.
I don’t have a clue what could be causing the problem since it doesn’t seem to following any “pattern”, it just randomly happens sometimes.

I’m using Windows XP and, except for the firewall, I’m not using any anti-spyware or similar programs that I think might interfere with Avast.

Tanemann, it’s difficult to say… could be a connection problem.
Does this happen with other browsers?
Can you post a list of your Firefox extensions?