Firefox best privacy browser because of Stealther extension!

To the privacy-concerned among us.

Internet users that value their privacy are advised to use Firefox, according to American CDT. Privacy is the new magical term to wage the browser war, and Google and Microsoft try to collect with their own variant of the “pr0n-button”. Because of the privacy related issues it is not easy to make a choice. Here we compare: Firefox 3, Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2, Google Chrome and Safari 3.

Standard issues of the Firefox browser does not get a high overall rating, but added by Stealther privacy extension (and some others), it leaves all the other behind,


I have had that add-on for what seems an eternity and I have only used it a couple of times and one of those was to test it.

So for me privacy really isn’t a concern as I’m not doing anything that I shouldn’t be ;D

Though the way this UK Government is going, all that might change, they are touting the idea of recording information all email, tell calls, texts, etc. a whole raft of other stuff. Real Big Brother and many are saying the Stassi would be envious if a) they were still in place, b) if it ever gets through the UK Parliament.

Then the next thing to worry about is how the heck they are going to look after it as their track record on confidential/secret data loss is notorious.

At this point, privacy for me is pointless, ;D ;D ;D but thanks for the post. :slight_smile: