Firewall block all local IP adress: 192.168.1.* After updating


After update my Avast Premier to 17.3.2291 (build 17.3.3443.0) all local IP Adresses 192.168.1.* are blocked. Can not connect to them or to do a PING. I can’t connect to my NAS and the rest of my devices.

Please Help. I don’t changed anything only update. I have to deactivated the Avast Firewall to work.

OS: Windows 10 64 bits.

Thank so much.

Any change if you try this and reboot? >>


Done but nothing has changed … The problem continue.

I’m having same issue and no fix, other than turning all the Shields off, seems to work. I have updated to build 17.3.3443.0 with no change.

Is it the Firewall or the Web Shield which is causing the issue?

The firewall. I can browse any public URL with no problems. It’s only in the local IP 192.168.1.*

I have checked the “allow friendly net in Private” (sorry i don’t know the name of this option in english) but not work too.

The range - is in the “Friends” option.


That seems to depend on the mood Avast is in. Sometimes it’s one, then again next time it’s both, then next time it’s the other. This was never an issue until the update of two days ago.

Could you both run an Avast repair and report back if the issue is resolved?

NO Change!

Have similar issue. Avast blocks access to my router! I thought that it is a router problem and was thinking to buy a new one! I can login to my router but after few seconds it gets unresponsive.

P.S. Have to disable automatic port scan detection to make it works…

I’ve reported the issue to the Avast devs.

The firewall is not running in public mode, correct?


Can you please post in what mode is your Firewall profile (public/private) when you have the issue?
Also knowing your OS helps a lot, since there are differences in Firewall on different OSes.

However the best option to pinpoint the issue would be sending us some debug logs.
Please enable debug logging in Settings > Maintenance > Enable debug logging
And complete Firewall logging in FW component settings > Advanced > Log all blocked packets

After setting this, please reproduce the issue and send us the following logs:
“C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\log” folder
“C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\fw” folder
“C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\Fw.db” file

You can then send them zipped to

Thank you very much,

Alternatively, you can check Firewall logs (Firewall page > Firewall logs).
Switch to “Show log for:” Rules
And if you see a message like “Firewall has automatically blocked IP address: <IP_addres> [Port scan detection]”
It means that there was a port scan done from the <IP_address> and Firewall blocked all communications from that address for 30 mins.

Port scan protection is by default turned on, but can be turned off in Firewall settings > Advanced > Port scan detection.


I put my OS in the first message:

FW in Private mode
OS: Windows 10 64 bits.

I will do some bug logs and will send you,


I had "And if you see a message like “Firewall has automatically blocked IP address: 192.168.1.- [Port scan detection]” in the rules report.

I turned off in Firewall settings > Advanced > Port scan detection yesterday.

The problem persist.

Stopping the Port Scan Detection seems to have done the trick for my issue. With the Firewall turned on all my LAN devices can be accessed.

My NAS is blocked too, and I spent hours trying to fix various things on the PC and the NAS yesterday and today on one computer, to no avail. And then my own computer started doing the same thing today after Avast updated and sure enough, the firewall is again the problem. I have been a loyal Avast customer for probably over 10 years, and have recommended it to a lot of others over the years. But the firewall has given me more and more issues over the past couple years, blocking some essential software, like most of the Adobe CC suite, as well as others.

With this last update, they have removed several important features like opening the firewall to the private network, and editing or adding to the ‘friends’ list. And the application rules don’t say default public/private now, but default medium risk work zone whatever that means. Nothing I have tried will allow me to get past the firewall to access some of the local network devices for more than a little while. And this is happening on two different Win 10 systems here, and just in the last day or so since the updates.

I spent nearly an hour on the phone with support, and the experience was poor. I have nothing against people in other countries, but it was tough to understand the thick accents and listen to the slow, halting English. I don’t think the person ‘reviewing’ my PC hardly knew what to look at. She did not check any of the firewall settings! She just looked a little bit at the firewall application rules window I happened to have open, and scrolled up and down a bit, slowly, once in a while, almost aimlessly. If she was supposed to know something, or even be acting like she knew something, she needs better training. She opened the programdata folder just long enough to see the empty McAfee folder from the bloatware I uninstalled the moment I bought the computer, and that was enough to try to sell me a support package.

A computer tech would never have stared at some of this stuff for five minutes while I was on hold, but would have gone looking through the some of the specific listings, looked at settings, or event logs, or at very, very least looked at the firewall settings pages! When I balked at buying a $199 support package, they put a somewhat more skilled tech on the line, and then he looked through the registry long enough to find an old McAfee entry, and again, it was time to buy. Finally, he asked if I had tried reinstalling Avast, that maybe that would fix it, as the last item. I’ve dealt with some support people along the way, and I suspect that if some quick fix or two doesn’t work, I am either going to be told that my NAS is the fault, or be told to reinstall Windows. I don’t need to pay $200 to be told to reinstall Windows.

Ironically, my Avast Premiere multi-license is set to renew in 12 days, hmmm. I am disappointed - I am a paying customer, and have been for a long time.

That said, I have now disabled the port scanning, and maybe that will do it. Or maybe they will patch some bug, or just bring back enough control to open the private network and I can keep using it. I think it does work at protecting - at least to the best of my knowledge, it has not let nasties through in all the years I have had it.

Hi everybody,

I have the same problem as you.
Without knowing the existence of your thread, I opened this thread:
Except the good will of some peoples that I thank again, I found no solution.
More precisely, I found again mt NAS after disabling for some time as well the anti-virus as the firewall and activating the standard Windows (10 in my case) firewall.
I think that the Avast team has to make an acceptable answer. I’m not sure if they are following the forum.
In any case, I propose to the Moderator to contact Avast in order to have a comprehensive position on this topic.

Best Regards,

Please admins, combine all threads about this bug.


Try the workaround in Reply #12.