Firewall / Enable Network Lock not working

I have Avast Internet Security on 2 pc’s, both running Windows 7 64 bit, one is a desktop, the other a laptop. The “Enable Network Lock” works fine on the desktop, but does nothing on the laptop. There are no error messages, and the summary page shows “Network Lock is on!”. All updates are installed and working.

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Avast, the problem persists. I’ve looked through the manual and the settings and cannot find what is causing the network lock to not work on the laptop. Hopefully I’ve missed something simple. I need the feature as I spend a lot of time on public wi-fi networks.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


AS an update, I spent some time this morning troubleshooting this problem. It turns out the firewall component is non-functional. Avast and Windows report it as working, but everything gets past the firewall.

I removed, cleaned, and reinstalled, and the firewall still does not work. That is why the network lock does not work. I have submitted support tickets 3 times over 3 days, and have not had a reply or acknowledgment from Avast.

Anyone had this happen to their system? Has anyone checked to be sure their firewall is working? This is a major security breach.

Hmm, interesting.

Click “Enable Network Lock”

Receive warning "Enabling Network Lock will immediately stop all network communication on this computer.

Are you sure? Yes.

And I can download pages that where definitely not cached, like

I can even post this reply when network lock is on [check: still on].

Best regards,

EDIT: closed Firefox, restarted Firefox, and can still succesfully google on new terms. Avast allows me to disable Network Lock, but this makes no sense since network is enabled anyhow ( I mean: enabled but not operative).

Network lock works on my system

Hi essexboy,

If you can see this, network lock is unoperative. Avast user interface allows me to disable network lock, but I didn’t click on that.

Best regards,

PS congrats Vega on catching this fluke.

I am just about to enable network lock …

Nope had to re-enable it to complete the post