Firewall not working when switching from WIFI to 3G

When I switch from WIFI to 3G (by disabling the WIFI radio or going out of range), the firewall is no longer working unless I open avast, disable firewall, then re-enable. Going the other way, from 3G to WIFI does not have this problem.

I am using white list, SGS2 with ZSLPG firmware.

UPDATE: Working normally after I disabled the “Set mobile data limit” feature. It seems Avast is not compatible with the “Set mobile data limit” included in ICS firmwares.

it should work in the newest update of Mobile Security. If not please re-post.

No, still not working. Version 120426-01

Reinhard meant application version. Newest one is 1.0.2129.


I’m running the newest version 1.0.2129. Not working.

is it official deploy of 4.0.4 for Taiwan?