If I accept when avast firewall asks, it allows the program to reach everything outside. I want to tell avast firewall that allow only to reach the address it asks about. How can I do that?
Anybody else who can read, think, understand my words and it’s own? It’s offensive that the first answer is from a script that calls me stupid. Really, Avast?!
Insulting someone who was attempting to help you isn’t the right way to go about getting help.
When Avast ask if it’s safe, you allow the program access through a certain port. If the program need access, you grant it if it doesn’t need it you block it.
I’m sorry, I did not want to hurt anybody alive. But that answer seems like an auto reply from a bot that picked one keyword and offered me a FAQ search about it. So, I just did not get any useful information or the intention in that answer to give me one.
My question was about:
Avast asks something and give informations about the request. I want to tell avast that allow only that and exactly that it says about the request.
Because now in that case i allow the app communicate, avast allows the app communicate in all ways. In all ports, to all of the net. But i want to allow only that it offerd me. There are no signs of ports and destinations in the automatically generated firewall rules after an allowance.
So again, I’m sorry if I hurt anybody that can breathe, I did not intend to do that. My question is above again. Is there an answer somewhere?
It isn’t from a script, but from another avast user just like yourself seeking to help - the Maybe Bot is a forum post count rating - when you have a shed load of posts you might be a bot.
Then you have others who have even more you are Certainly Bot, how else could you rack up that many replies without being a bot - answer, years of helping other avast users.
Thank you. Of course. Yes. I’m stupid and rude and lame. Yes I’am. No doubt. You all are right! Perfectly right. So please show this moron the answer. Please!
All right. Thank you guys. It’s obviously my fault. I’m sure that somewhere between the lines I ask for a copypasted faq reference, because everybody does that. So, thank you for your time, patience, intention and efforts. Really.