Firewall permissions

I have allowed certain programs to access through firewall, others I set to ask me. So, the issue is, when I get a pop up telling me a program is requesting access, I look over, grant permission (or deny) and check the box to “remember my answer”, It never remembers. I have to grant permission every time. Aside from allowing open access, how can I fix this?

Repair Avast:

  1. Avast GUI → Settings → Troubleshooting
  2. Click on ‘REPAIR APP’.
  3. Follow instructions.
  4. Reboot.

Thanks for flagging, we will investigate this.

I’m checking it with Avast last beta + allowing skype with remember me option and it is working fine. Sandra47 can you please let me know if you are able to induce the issue with all apps or only some specific ones? What option is not working (deny, allow, both)? If possible send me these details:
Thank you very much.