Firewall problem....

I am using windows 7 home basic 64 bit…

My windows firewall is turning off all the time i reboot my pc, it works only when i manually start it. And again turns off when i start my pc again after shut down…

Is there a solution ?

See if the following instructions lead you a solution:

Have you been trying different firewalls lately ? type services in the run bar and click services then scroll down to windows firewall and make sure that it is set to automatic, if not double click windows firewall where you will have the option to set it to auto and start the service.

Thanks for the reply, Now it is working…

That’s good, what ended up being the problem?

Don’t know i was testing out other firewalls like Zone alarm and comodo on my PC and this happened… :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah sometimes after removal of certain firewalls the windows one does not get reactivated properly, glad it’s all fine now though.

Thanks for the help…