I have the strange effect that sometimes when I check the status of my avast Mobile Security firewall, i find it disabled. It is not reproducable, so it is not the case each time the device is switched off and on, but seems to happen after some days quite regularly.
I am using a rooted Nexus 4, Android Version 4.4, build KRT16S.
Any idea what causes this, or how to track it down ? I have activated the Firewall Protocol but there are no entries whatsoever.
hmmm, how can I find out which app could do that ? if you refer to the ‘modify settings’ right, apart from android system apps, only firefox, juicedefender and skype have this right.
is the firewall on/off switch in avast MS not a setting owned by avast MS ?
We had problems with Juicedefender in parts of our app, as Juicedefender (JD) defends you battery juice by killing background processes. This could be the issue here.
Please see if the problem persists with deactivated JD.