Firewall unresponsive and not running

Hi all

I’m sure this issue was dissected several times, but I just cannot face trawling through all the old topics.

My problem is: firewall is not running (service stopped) and unresponsive.

I have just upgraded from free Avast! to the paid version. First, I had error messages when I tried to start firewall protection: “Shields unreachable” and “Firewall unavailable”. I have read through a couple of topics and surmised that I should uninstall and re-install avast! and check my laptop for “nasties” (using Malwarebytes). I have got rid of a handful of “nasties” and uninstalled Avast! by using uninstall utility, restarted my laptop, re-installed Avast!, restarted again…

Firewall is still “stopped”, but now no matter which option I choose, nothing happens when I press “Start” button. Absolutely nothing, not even error message.

I’m using Windows XP, and I have tried both with Windows’ firewall switched off and on - no difference.
For the time being I have switched on Windows Firewall again, just to have something up.

Can anyone suggest the next step fixing this problem? It’s pretty frustrating that I have paid high pounds for this software and it’s not working properly. Not to mention the useless support site.

Thanks in advance!

Did you boot after installing?

I suggest an installation from the scratch:

  1. Download the latest version of avast! Uninstall Utility and save it.
  2. Download the latest avast! version and save it.
  3. Uninstall avast from Control Panel (if possible). If, for any reason, you can’t run it, try booting in Safe Mode and doing it from there. Anyway, boot after that.
  4. Run the avast! Uninstall Utility saved on 1. If, for any reason, you can’t run it, try booting in Safe Mode and doing it from there. Anyway, boot after you’ve run it.
  5. Install avast! using the setup saved on 2. Boot.
  6. Register your free copy or add the license key for Pro.
  7. Check and post the results.

May I add, since you reported “nasties”: if it doesn’t work after working through techs list a posted hijackthis log would be appreciated.

Hi Tech. Thank you.

I have done exactly that and that’s when the error messages stopped popping up but firewall was still not running.
I’m not convinced that doing the same thing again would make any difference, but tell me if I’m wrong.

Any other advice?

“posted hijackthis log would be appreciated”: care to elaborate? I’m a newbie here… Thanks.

No prob.
“HijackThis” is a free program which you can download from TrendMicro:

It is used to analyse running processes, autostarts and so on. Many forums use it to find out about culprits on a system.
You download it, install it and then start it. After it starts, you just click on “Do a system scan and save a logfile”. This logfile is a .txt, it will open in editor automatically. You can copy it on this forum.

So we can see if we can find a clue what might be stopping your fw.


Which was your firewall before AIS? Only Windows firewall?

As an advanced way, maybe searching for “aswNdis” references into C:\Windows\Inf\oem*.inf files. You can use Windows Search or FileSeek ( for that. Then you can move the files to another folder. Boot. Try installing again.
This worked for me in beta phase.

Hi both!

I followed through with Tech’s last suggestion about the oem* files. And I can report instant success: firewall is no in service!!!

Thank you very much for both of you!!! Great help!

KF 8)

However, you told about “nasties”… are you sure you have a trustworthy pc now?

Can you explain this again? Do I search for file named “aswNdis” or other file.
I have more than 100 “oem” named files in "C:\Windows\Inf" folder.

Search for a reference in the .inf files:

Text to be found inside the files: aswNdis
Files to be searched: C:\Windows\Inf\Oem*.inf

Move all found files from that folder to a different location. Make sure that they are gone from "C:\Windows\Inf".

Reinstall and reboot.

Ok Thanks. Now Firewall is working.
I found 2 files Oem21 and Oem22 and delete them.

I was reinstallin/installing AVAST past 3 days 10 times to Firewalll make work :slight_smile:

Thx for the feedback!
Good to hear it worked for you.

hi all

Device driver software was not successfully installed
i got two NDIS flter miniport # 346 and # 336

should i do the same pervious step , btw i bought the avast but this issue frst time comming …

please help

In the Control Panel to to Computer Management and then Devices (sorry, I don’t have an English computer and trying to translate the commands).
Then you right click the faulty NDIS device and uninstall it (you don’t need to remove the driver either, but if you remove, no problems).
When there is no other NDIS faulty device, in Control Panel and Applications, repair your avast! installation. Reboot.