Firewall (Vista 64-bit) + Avast

I use now the Vista’s firewall with newer Avast Pro. I read that Avast 5 Pro not included firewall and spam blocker. Is Vista firewall OK or where is a better FREE firewall? Thank you for replies. I look simple and good firewall.

I use vista firewall control by sphinx-soft.It is 2 way and fairly easy to configure.A freeware version is available and thats what I have.Available from

I should add when you go their you will see a windows 7 firewall option click on that.Then click on more that will expand information and say it is for Vista also.Make sure you click on 64 bit option as that is your system.And also make sure you click on free option if you do not want to pay.

Thank you, i try this firewall.

vista firewall control by sphinx-soft.It is 2 way and fairly easy to configure
It actually isn't a firewall but an interface which makes it easier to use the built in firewall.

The built in firewall is fine just needed the help of a 3rd party to make it usable by everyone. :slight_smile:

That’s why Sphinx Firewall Control is so small.

Seems ok, but how i disable sounds in this firewall? I don’t like sounds on firewall.

That’s one of the reason I don’t use it.

I choose not to run a software firewall but I am very careful of what I install on my system as you can see from my signature.

Is Comodo good firewall?

Hi, the privatefirewall has worked ok for me on my vista 64bit.
hope this helps

I download the COMODO Firewall and i like it. COMODO is translated to Finnish so that help me very much. Avast is Finnish too.