wie kann ich AVIRA blockieren?
Hello ‘Benutzer274’ welcome to the Avast Community Forum
This is the the Avast Community Forum, do you actually have the Avast One Antivirus program installed ?
If so, it isn’t advised to have two active antivirus programs installed as they are likely to conflict/clash.
You should uninstall Avira to remove the conflict.
Sure, I know. But uninstall is not possible, not successfull. It should be possible to use the Avast-firewall rules to block Avira-requests…
No - Avast doesn’t block as such, it is an Antivirus program - the problem is conflict.
Why can’t Avira be uninstalled, e.g. what errors are you getting ?
This is just one hit from a google search on what you are asking.
How to uninstall AVIRA - https://support.avira.com/hc/en-us/articles/360003162153-Uninstallation-of-Avira-for-Windows