Avast needs to come out with a firewall.
Why? A while ago it was suggested avast would make a spamfilter.
Let them do what they do best. I rather have them put all their time in maintaining one of the best anti virus programs then dividing their time on more projects.
I agree,…Avast Antivirus is evolving constantly,…in a good way,…hassling the programmers with building a firewall system would bring the good evolution off Avast AV to an end i think.
Avast can be anything it wants to be, however, the company is small and resources must be allocated to the imporrtant tasks at hand: fixing bugs, updating program, and assembling virus updates…
Avast is constantly evolving and its’ user base is growing rapidly as people discover Avast’s full potential.
Your are correct in saying “Let Avast do what it does best”
Avast has! and will!
Let Avast stick to viruses
Sygate/Zonealarm etc to firewalls
SpywareBlaster etc to spyware
They are specialists in there own business…
Combined AV/firewall/spyware programs are too big, compromised with fewer options, crash/corrupt more, have less patches for security threats and are less specialised, so often fail to do there job e.g. Panda/Norton/Mcaffe Security… Well known fact…
Thanks! My sentiments exactly. ;D