I am new to avast, gave up norton like so many others, I am getting to know how to use software, but when i installed avast it said it had a known conflict with zone alarm(i am using free version) is there a way i can overcome this or should i start using another firewall, if so can any1 reccommend a good free 1 please. Also when i hover over the little a on the taskbar it says on access scanner: 7 providers total, 6 running. Why is there only 6 running or is that part of the firewall problem. I dont know how to tell which 1 isnt working.
Hi there! If you’re using Zone Alarm free edition, you don’t need to worry; the conflict dealing with ZA and webshield has been discuss before due to the privacy and cookie controls from Zone Alarm Pro edition (you may use the “search” function in the forum to find topics that may have your question).
I’m assuming that the 7th provider that isn’t running is Outlook/Exchange. If you’re not using Outlook Express, you can go ahead and un-install that provider.
Hi Thanks for the replies, I am using outlook express, but dont know what outlook/exchange is so probably not using that lol.
So do you reckon i should stick with zone alarm or is there a better firewall out there in your opinion.
In the on access panal it says that instant messenger, internet mail and network shield are all running but the outlook exchange is waiting for subsystem to start. The 1st 3 all have the pause and terminate button highlighted but not the start the last 1 only has terminate highlighted. Is this correct and what does the start button do and why is it not highlighted