
I just switched over from Nortons … I have uninstalled as much of Nortons as it allowed me to and installed avast.
Do I turn my firewall on for my Windows xp??? Thanks

Let’s start from scratch and get rid of NortonAntivirus first and then also Avast!.
Once both have been cleand off the system, you can again do a clean install of Avast without any trouble.
1 Click here to Uninstall Norton Antivirus
Make sure you select the right version!!!
After NAV has been uninstalled, reboot your computer.
2 Click here to download the Avast! Complete Uninstall Utility
Run the file to uninstall Avas! and again reboot your computer.
3 Re-install Avast and ENJOY.

Do NOT use the Norton Removal tool if your using Vista.

Please let us know how you make out.

There isn’t any need to turn off your Firewall just make sure you allow avast! access.
Welcome to the forum.

bob3160 your link to nortons removal tool did not work here is one it will clean left over norton stuff also :slight_smile: Donna the admin at calender of updates found this out about vista Note, do not use Norton Removal Tool in Vista systems. The Norton Removal Tool will damage/remove the tunmp.sys in Vista (tunmp.sys - Microsoft Tunnel Interface Driver) after successful removal of Norton products.
I reported it to Symantec but no update on Norton Removal Tool yet. :slight_smile: and it doin’t seem like your link for avast’s cleanup tool works also

both of your links don’t work on my end here either bob and here is the link to the avast!uninstall utility…

Thanks for the notice lurkingatu2 and drhayden1.
Here is the corrected information:

Let's start from scratch and get rid of NortonAntivirus first and then also Avast!. Once both have been cleand off the system, you can again do a clean install of Avast without any trouble. 1 [url=]Click here to Uninstall Norton Antivirus[/url] Make sure you select the right version!!! After NAV has been uninstalled, reboot your computer. 2 [url=]Click here to download the Avast! Complete Uninstall Utility[/url] Run the file to uninstall Avas! and again reboot your computer. 3 Re-install Avast and ENJOY.

Do NOT use the Norton Removal tool if your using Vista.

Please let us know how you make out.

at cou it looks like nortons removal tool will get fixed for vista next week or so :slight_smile: and no problem bob just trying to help :slight_smile: