
Which Firewall i can use with Avast! free antivirus?(Except Windows Firewall)Any sugesstion? :slight_smile:

Any hardware firewall can be used and about all (free) software firewalls.

Name any of those?

the least complicated, Windows firewall and turn on your router / ISP box firewall if not already on

Be Secure…
You could always try the “best” free firewall…

The Comodo free firewall link is soooooo long, I had to use the “tinyURL” site to shorten it. :wink:
Been using Comodo for years & never had a problem with either it or getting anything nasty on my M/C.
It does exactly what a good firewall should.

Stay safe.

Comodo ships Adware Privdog worse than Superfish

Be Secure, Google is your friend. Search “Free Firewall Software”/and Reviews.
Do some research, and you’ll quickly get to know what’s available.
As far as commonly used Free Firewalls by Avast users here on the Forum, Ive noticed these:
OutPost FW
Private FW
Comodo FW
and there’s others. :slight_smile: