Fix for avast

Is there a fix for the latest avast update problem with win xp?

Could you elaborate the issue…

The web shield is blocking almost all websites

I have win xp sp2

Workaround (XP): Disable HTTPS-Scanning in the web shield.

will this leave my computer open to a virus or cause any other problems?

It’ll be like before the update to 10.3.2223.

Is that the win XP Pro SP2 (64bit) ?

The reason I mention it as it doesn’t effect my XP Pro SP3 system, whilst I see another post on this subject and they were using the win XP Pro 64bit OS.

No Pro and it is 32 bit


If you still have this avast version installed and experiencing the problem, one of the avast team was asking in another topic for some of the logs to try and pin down the problem.