Fix tool for missing tray icons!

I noticed that many users complain that their tray icons (that spinning “a” ball) is missing after updating or after some crash. So i decided to make a small program that should hopefully fix this with just one click. It’s fully automated and tested,so it should work without any problems. I’m just not sure why avast! Repair function doesn’t fix that… ???

Anyway,here it is. Download it and extract aswTrayIconFix.exe anywhere you want.
Run it and just click Fix button. Log off and log in again or simply restart your PC and icons should be back again. The program is standalone extract&use (although it looks like installer)


Thanks RejZor… It will save a lot of debugging time here in forums 8)

Very useful, thanks RejZor, are there any plans or would it be possible to add it to the AEC?

First i must see if it works for those with missing tray icons.

It seems to be working :wink: :slight_smile:

I’m still waiting for his reply if everything worked flawlessly. If it did,i’d like to sticky this thread,so anyone can fix it in a matter of seconds.


As mentioned here:

the fix didn’t do it for me…

I am running Win XP Home (Norwegian) with SP2.


Me too.
For me its not the Avast! ball (A) its the (I) ball that scan, the fix did no then for me at all.
( I ) Blueball scan is not showing up? even when it running.
all things have been updated, only the (I) Icon is not showing up.

Right click “a” ball,select VRDB and then “Split to two icons”

you did not read did you?

the A-Ball> VRDB did not list it at all!

Start>Run> CHKDSK /R it was fixed, don’t have a clue why the I-ball was not showing up, but now it ok running good.

they was already split at the time. it was a error on the HHD.

er is there a new link for that download RejZor?

could i get this fix? I see the dload has been removed…

I have the same problem.

ok after i ran the Start>run: CHKDSK /R
the I-blue ball was back i gave up, it happen again like 3-More times did scandesk it fix it last time i had it up, i join it up with A-Blueball so i can get to it.

never had any trouble with the A-blueball at all. the I-Blueball like to skip loading up totally.

no more trouble now A-Ball and I-Ball are together now.

Posted by: RejZoR Posted on: May 03, 2005, 12:06:00 PM Insert Quote I noticed that many users complain that their tray icons (that spinning "a" ball) is missing after updating or after some crash. So i decided to make a small program that should hopefully fix this with just one click. It's fully automated and tested,so it should work without any problems. I'm just not sure why avast! Repair function doesn't fix that...

Anyway,here it is. Download it and extract aswTrayIconFix.exe anywhere you want.
Run it and just click Fix button. Log off and log in again or simply restart your PC and icons should be back again. The program is standalone extract&use (although it looks like installer)

did not fix the I-blueball at all. it was made for the A-Blueball.

the A-ball work 100% never had any trouble with it, it was the other ball; I-Ball (VRDB) that like not to show up, even when it was running still no show.

last time i got it to show it ugly face up, i join it with A-Ball now working 100%

clue if the two are not together you can’t get to VRDB at all to disable it or work with it. if you get a chance join them together save you headaches.

if you don’t see the two blueballs near your clock area, do a scandesk full scan.

Windows: 2000, 2003, XP-family, Start>run: CHKDSK /R
New window pop-up press Y hit enter, restart system. let it do the scan when it finish get to desktop click-on I-ball at this time and join it with A-Ball after you will have no more trouble… it now working great, it was nice see them two by them selfs but better have them together anyways. :wink:

chkdsk /R was the only way i could get the I-Ball to show up after it gone to desktop, i put them two together.

Please, don’t post twice the same problem.
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