I finally solved this problem, but I am sure others have the same problem.
I am on Avast Pro, beta and Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit.
This problem can be simulated by going to C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_12_0_0_77.dll and
temporarily moving the .dll file.
After doing so, when I go to Safezone this message appears in a yellow bar near the top of the page
“Adobe Flash Player is required to display some of the elements on this page” “Install plug-in”. Clicking on Install plug-in takes me to an
Adobe page where I click on “Install now” and then open the .exe file that appears in the lower left corner and then click on “run” in a
dialogue box that appears. No further dialogue boxes appear and I am left hanging without being able to finish installing the flash player.
After exiting Avast, I see no install_flashplayer…exe file in my Downloads folder. By clicking the Start button on the taskbar, and doing
a search for Created: today I see an install_flashplayer…exe file in my Avast sandbox. I double click on that file and finish installing
the needed flash player. The Install plug-in sequence almost works, but not quite.
A caution at this point. When I exited Avast I found my desktop icons scrambled.
When I installed the flash player, McAfee Security Scan Plus came along as unwanted baggage.
In the Google chrome browser, if executing chrome://plugins shows 2 Adobe Flash Player plugins now, then doing a Google search for
“flash player conflicts” might prove useful.