Most of the fonts get big than normal. Not so big but bigger than normal especially viewing resolution for my pc is 1024x68 pixels. The size looks ugly for some websites. e.g. Google
I have found this weird thing happen in the last few days. I think I have infected by viruses.
What is your browser, have you tried a different browser ?
Have you tried adjusting the font size in the browser ?
Does this happen other than in your browser ?
I am browsing with Internet Explorer v6.0, SP2 and other browser(M. Firefox) does not shows same the problem.
No, I do not adjust anything especially the font size.
Thank you for your concerned!
Have you checked IE to see if the font size has been changed, View, Text Size or toolbar icon…
Some sites (web pages) set their font-size to other than the default size in IE or any other browser so on occassion you will notice a size difference. Firefox is great for on the fly font size change, click the Control and numeric key pad Plus or Minus key together to increase or decrease font size.
I can’t recall any symptom like this from any malware.
You could however, get a second opinion in the form of an on-line scan.
TrendMicro’s Housecall
Bit Defender On-line Scanner
Thank you for help me. I have found what is the problem. The Text Size in the View toolbar has set ‘Larger’ text size. Confiusing, how could it change the text size without my permission?! Ermmmm, maybe it have any hotkeys…
Btw, I have fixed it and already felt convenience with it.
Thank you in advanced.