Forgotten Windows 7 Starter Admin Password

Hello All,

I have a computer, OS is Win 7 Starter pack… A student stole the computer and password protected the admin account. I can’t retrieve the password using the Reset Disc. Any other ways? Thanks!

See if the following helps you:

None of the posted above options will work. the computer won’t recgonzie the USB as a reset disk. (Grr). The OS is outdated. I’m thinking I might throw on 7 Home Premium or Entreprise and attach the computer to the domain which will require the help of a technician, which will take at least 1 day, up to a week.

Since I have no admin rights (w/o breaking anything) I can’t do anything on either side to attempt a rescue of the non-domain computer. Will talk to our local techy, see if they can do anything.

Try adjusting the boot option in the bios. You may need to select the flash drive as boot option #1 and disable boot hard disk in order to accomplish this.


will try that. Away from that computer atm