Forum bot spammers.

Reported a few bot spammers spamming avast forums. What can avast do to help better protect the forum users from following these spammers links? I hope they make it harder for these bots to register to the forums.

All forums get spammers to different extents, Avast attracts a lot of attention due to popularity so just keep reporting if you find any.

Forum users should know better than to go clicking on spam links :wink:

I may add that spam usually doesn’t last long here.

They are usually caught very quickly, either by reports by regular forum users or by those who have the power to deal with them. Many you will not even see as they are dealt with very quickly. This is helped by having people in different time zones that have the power to deal with them.

Very few are actually spam bots - but real people - given the number of complaints that the captcha screen is too difficult.