Forum rating system

Hi All!
I know that the rating sistem on this forum depends on a quantity of posts of a user ( I mean 0-19 Newby, 20-99 Junior Member and so on). my question is what the range limits between different ratings?

as far as i remember(and i don’t thing there is anywhere on this forum that explains the different ratings)after 300 posts you become a avast! Evangelist!!! ::slight_smile: :o 8)

Hi drhayden1! Thankyou for answer.
P.S. It’s only 198 still to go. Yey ;D

P.P.S. I see you chanhed your Avatar, thats cool I Like Garfield ;D

Hello ;D

If you want more info see :wink:

Thanks XMAS! I rad that info

You’re welcome ;D

Or 19.897 more 'till you become an uber-evangelist
;D ;D ;D :wink:

Hi Spyros!
This is only possible if I havent any work beside this, or if my work PC has an Internet connection (which is not :frowning: ) so I think it’s rather impossible … for now.
Besides I don’t think this forum can handle two Uber-Evangelists ( Tech & maybe… sometime… me ::slight_smile: )

its taken me almost a year to get past 1000 posts and it seems like i post a-lot…so good luck of getting to a uber-evangelist(think that is past 20,000 posts)…you well be quite old then when you do ;D

Thanks my friend :smiley:

modified your jpg for you…is this you in a few years still trying ::slight_smile:

I think yes ::). You know what ???, I’ve just calculate, If I take your pace it will take me about 20-25 years , so maybe in that time I will be 50 years old :o ( I’m currently 24) .