Forum Rules

This forum deals with All improvements, suggesting, bug reports are welcome! Help us make a better product and a go to place to manage all your devices.

Please note, that all off-topic posts not concerning portal will be removed without notice, thanks for understanding.

What is Portal located at, section in your Avast for Windows or Mac called “Account” (or previously “Devices” in Avast 2014)

Do not submit posts regarding:

  • Complaining about support. We are not support and we can not help you. We are developers that try to improve the product in sync with the community. You have to solve your issues with support with support. All tickets will be dealt with in time. Submitting more tickets just makes the time longer.
  • Make sure this is the right forum. We are not able to help you with Avast for Window, for Mac or mobile apps. We can just move the post to an appropriate forum thinking why haven’t you done it yourself in the first place.


  • Be constructive. If you do not like something, suggest how to change it. It makes it easier for us to understand you and reflect on you suggestions.
  • Be proactive. You are missing a feature or feature is not working or not working as expected? This is the right place to influence the product! (Make sure it is feature)