Forum web search results not working anymore?

I have already posted a topic about the problem of “broken” browser bookmarks pointing to “old” avast forum posts and threads, where I asked (with no real answer, so far) for a clear explanation about how those bookmarks actually have to be edited to have them working again.

Today I noticed that the problem looks quite wider, because it seems to affect also all the… bookmarks (links) one gets when searching the web for Avast-related subjects.
Many of those results obviously point to Avast forum threads and posts, but when selected they all lead to the main “avast Community” page instead.
In other words: they don’t work any more, they are actually useless.

Which makes (Avast related) web searches almost useless as well, as if all the knowledge contained in the huge amount of “old” forum threads/post had been lost or, at least, had become far more difficult to reach.

Also broken are all the links which, from inside “old” forum threads/posts, point to other forum threads/posts; which penalizes a lot, even after having found them, their actual usability.

It seems impossible to me that the site “revamping” did not take into proper account such a solid… side effect.
Or maybe the problem doesn’t actually exist and I am just missing something?