Free Avast Install Taking Too Long


I’ve just bought a Windows 10 desktop and I’m installing Avast Free so as I can do an initial scan of the entire computer.

So far, the install stopped at about 95% and hasn’t progressed after almost 80 minutes.

The install says not to turn off the computer.

Is this normal and, if not, what should I do?

Thank you.

No need to answer my question.

It finished installing after three hours.

So anyone installing, please take this into account.

Bon chance!

Hi, it shouldn’t take 3 hours to install - rather 3 minutes.

Not 3 hrs for sure but 3 min. is still wishful thinking unless you have a super computer. :slight_smile:

It’s certainly minutes not hours, that is not normal.

The one thing I would suggest is downloading the full off-line installer rather than on-line installation you get from a direct download at