Free avast

My computer man installed Avast, Spybot,and a melware scanner. the trouble is none of them stop anything.every time I run one it detects melware or viruses. So my question is as far as Avast if the free version does not work, Why on earth would any one pay for it?

If none of the programs is working, your “computer man” did something very wrong that brings the programs into a conflict.
What is the third “malware scanner”?
Besides, your “computer man” should be informed that Spybot is not properly the edge of the technology nowadays… It is dropped in many systems…

My computer man installed Avast, Spybot,and a melware scanner. the trouble is none of them stop anything.every time I run one it detects melware or viruses.
what is detected? SpyBot will detect tracking that it? avast does not scan for tracking cookies as it is not malware
and a melware scanner.
what malware it Malwarebytes?

The Malware program is Malwarebytes. since I got my computer back(the 2ed time) he added the Malwarebites, And McAfee Security scan Plus, Plus the Spybot and Avast it seams my computer is worse not better. It takes for ever for a page to load. I am getting pop ups and freezes up all the time. If I can’t trust a computer man to solve my problems who can I trust?

McAfee security scan will conflict with Avast, Spybot will conflict with Avast

MBAM and Avast together would be sufficient

Popups would indicate a possible infection… I can have a look if you wish

If I can't trust a computer man to solve my problems who can I trust?
you can trust Essexboy.......and all his work and advice here is free :)

Doesn’t sound like a “computer guy”. Sounds like an old retired person who think SpyBot is still effective. McAfee Security scan is worthless and is usually bundled with flash player. Most likely installed by your so called computer guy with out looking. Best advice…Take it to a real IT Tech. Not some backyard Joe.

Nah, take the suggestion given by Pondus…Essexboy is the way to go, absolutely no doubt. 8)


I trust Essexboy 100% all the way :wink: 8)