You have to know the carrier to use this but if you don’t know the
carrier you can still use Teleflip email to send to a text message to
any cell phone: (cellphonenumber)
Well, the cell phone doing the receiving must be capable of receiving text messages. One of my sisters has a cell phone that does not except text messages BUT has voice mail and walkie/talkie capability : … so strange the way features are added/subtracted. :-\
Hmmm … she is on Nextel and maybe that explains it!
There are also services like this for the UK, a google search for ‘free SMS (service or messages)’ without the quotes but with the brackets, is likely to turn up something for your respective country.
Btw, for the last 4 years I use VIPme service which works in Croatia but it goes through WEB-SMS service, and I always send TXT messages to my father’s cell phone when I need to tell him something urgently. Even though I don’t have a cell phone here (really don’t need it)… but I remember text messages were so popular in Croatia and whole Europe btw, 4-5 years ago… I almost forgot about that… now I see USA and Canada starting to get crazy about those… what is that all about ? 4 years delay ?
Canada/USA are still not that crazy in terms of text messaging, it’s mainly big in China and Russia. From my own experiences, I hate having to type up messages and send them when I can just call them - unless they’re busy in which I leave a message on their voicemail. I don’t think textmessaging in north american will ever be as popular as it is in Europe/Asia, no idea why - kind of odd actually.
The cost of UK mobile to mobile phone calls (especially cross network) is exorbitant so many use sms instead based on cost this may have something to do with its popularity.
Yes David you’re right there… and something unbelievable as well… here is Canada, I believe in USA is the same situation, they have to pay for sending SMS as well as for receiving ??? How stupid is that ? Someone sends you SMS (txt mesasge) and then they charge a sender as well as you ??? I remember I never ever had to pay when I receive a message from someone (back in Croatia), just when I call someone or send a txt message. And not just with my cell phone service provider which was CRONET and later I switched to VIPme… they all had exactly the same policy about that. Also, when someone calls you here, you also have to pay as well as other part who placed that call.
If I had to pay for receiving them, I would block them completely, that is a rip off to have to pay to receive text messages (unless it is a subscription/information text).
That would be even worse if you had to pay when the text was a SPAM text inviting you to call a premium rate number or some other SPAM related advert.
It is correct about here in the USA the receiver is charged on a cell phone like the sender. If the F.C.C. had different rules then maybe we wouldn’t have to pay both ways.