Freeware omniquad firewall download

This is a freeware firewall wich uses the Zone-Alarm (free) engine.

It’s very easy to use, and has a more modern look than ZA.

Setting this great tool up doesn’t not require ANY knowledge.

It works good “out-of-the-box”. (just like ZA free).

You should never be without firewall > looking at the price, why should you ?

I gave this program a quick test, and it seems to pass all wellknown firewall test easy (Grc, Pc flank, etc…)



I took a gander at Ominquad. It seems to be a ZA lookalike. It has some nice features, but nothing shockingly new and there is no way to tell how often the updates will be forthcoming.

In time this may become a leading firewall but for now, I would stick with the original ZA, or use something slightly more advanced such as Sygate, or Kerio (Rule based).

ZA and Sygate work flawlessly with Avast and that is what makes the difference.

Thanks for the post.

Like Technie101 said,

if you really want something simple use ZA (free or pro) there one of the best choises. They already have proven stability and flawless work.

If you want something rulebased (with high learning curve) try Outpost, Kerio, sygate etc…

Do keep in mind, that setting up a rulebased firewall badly, can open your system even more than without FW at all. So make sure about the things you do.

If you like something fancy and new & easy > give Omniquad a go.

Offcourse the program is so new, it’s hardly tested. Although this doesn’t mean anything > it something you must keep in mind also.


Thanks Waldo for your post. Another freeware compatible with avast! :slight_smile:
Btw, I think we can stay with ZA 8)