Hi a friend was using Comodo free and “deleted” (so he told me) an email in Yahoo which triggered malware. Comodo came up with warning but could not stop infection. I would like to talk my friend into using Avast! But I’d like to get my head around the “sandbox” feature. So if running the browser in “sandbox” and checking email, the virus executes. Close the browser and no damage done. Fine, I understand that.
My question is how can I get the email with the virus out of my inbox in an “un-sandboxed” browser?
what malware was detected by comodo?
was this a mail with attachment?
He opened an email from supposedly from a known friend. "Thi
“this joke will make you laugh…” >:(. So I think it was a virus created locally. I don’t know if there was an attachment. The point I am trying to get my head around is if the virus/trojan starts in a virtual browser, after the browser is closed, can my friend later access his stored emails? Or should he not take the risk and just abandon his Yahoo email account?
My guess is that he clicked a link in the mail or opened a attachment
So just delete it…report it as spam with the spam button first
If he got infected he could check the computer here
See Essexboys guide above