
Hi this is to thank all my friends on this forum.

The reason I am thanking you is.
Alot of you have joined the forum I am on at where I was a moderator, then senior moderator.

The good news I want to share with my friends here at avast is I have just been promoted to forum Administrator.
Anyway will pop in now and then but still pushing avast.

Sorry if I have posted this in the wrong place but I wanted everyone to read it.


Hello thedon57,

Well it is almost like your birthday. Congrats. Sure going to have a look.
Actually what you write here is meant for the off-topic, but I wont say a word that it is now in general.


Being as you have no topic and I get lost in that other forum they are using.

Happy Birhday Don, and many more. :slight_smile:

Congratulations :slight_smile:
Some of us were Moderators here in the past… :-[

I know and a good one you were too, also could be again some day, now I know how much hard work goes into being one.
Look after yourself.

My friend Don, I’m sure you well deserved that promotion. Wonderful friend like yourslef, so this is nothing strange, rather expected… I know you can do even better (even this is wonderful), and I’m sure you will show that to everybody.

I wish every forum has more people like you, and I am sure others also shares my thoughts here…

Keep up the good work Don !

Regards and Happy birthday !

Thank you for those kind words they mean a lot to me if ever you are passing the forum come and have a look you are welcome any time.
look after yourself.