When selecting FullVirus Scan on my Avast Premier it immediatly comes up as finished and no problem detected within 5 secs of selecting it which not normal !!
Smart scan is ok though :-
Have tried the Repair option but still the same,do not want the hassle of a re-install, seems other users have the same problem,any quick fixes as yet ?
And is it just me or are the Verification letters needed for posting mostly unreadable ,it has taken me 6 attempts ,aghhh.
I believe this has been reported in a couple of topics and my memory is correct, someone has reported it to Avast as a bug.
Thanks for that, would not be to fussed if it was the free Avast but this is for a paid version ,oh well lets hope the sort it .
Yes it would be great for it to be resolved quickly, why it has happened after working correctly in previous program versions (free or paid) is somewhat disappointing.
Personally I feel on-demand scans in a resident AV is much depreciated. Generally I only run them if I’m beta testing (and I have stopped that) and as a result of questions in the forums.
Whilst compiling this I started a Full Virus Scan on my win10 system with avast! free 19.6.2383 installed and that is currently running (at 31% and counting) and no immediate finish as yours. Now at 50% and still going, I guess it should continue through to completion from here.
What avast version are you running, 19.6.2383 being the latest ?
100% and 'Great No issues found. This scan took 9 minutes and tested see image 2.
Work around is to run full scan and when it fails click on “done” then rerun and it should work.
This problem has been ongoing for over a month and it tends to work intermittently and also seems to fail after a windows update - I use the free version.
Why I never run a full scan: 2 hours. See attached below.
@ mchain
Well it is scanning 771.2GB and mine is a little over 4.5 times larger than mine, but 2 hours Vs 9 minutes is a huge difference. I would look at the default settings of this scan, I believe I changed mine but can’t recall what I changed from memory.
That said my little win10 laptop is no slouch.