Avast used to have something called screensaver scan, don’t know if it still have that feature?
Instead of shedule a scan you selected avast screensaver scan, then avast scan would start/stop when the screensaver start/stop.
If screensaver was interupted it would remember where it stopped and start from there, unless computer has been restarted
To be clear, the scan will continue without delay even when the screensaver starts and the scan will also continue without delay when the screensaver is stopped?
Does the Full Virus scan include the elements scanned in a Smart Scan (so running a SS after a FVS would be overkill) or are the FVS and SS independent scanners that should both be run?
Does the Full Virus scan include the elements scanned in a Smart Scan (so running a SS after a FVS would be overkill) or are the FVS and SS independent scanners that should both be run?
Personally I don’t run on-demand scans outside of beta testing and I do very little of that now or in relation to a forum question.
With a resident (on-access) scanner the need for on-demand scans is much depreciated. For the most part dormant/inert files are being scanned, the other active files are going to be scanned by the resident shields when they are activated.
Whilst the Smart Scan has some features that wouldn’t be run on an on-demand scan (many of which require a paid function), that wouldn’t happen in an on-demand scan. The WiFi inspector being one. There are other features that I don’t consider security based so I don’t feel they have a place in an AV.
While I realize that the Avast Free Anti-Virus contains a built in on-access scanner, I still perform an on-demand Full-Virus Scan and Smart Scan.
Does the Full Virus scan include the elements scanned in a Smart Scan (so running a SS after a FVS would be overkill) or are the FVS and SS independent scanners that should both be run?
Are ‘File Shield,’ ‘Behavior Shield,’ ‘Web Shield,’ and ‘Mail Shield’ the on-access scanners?
I understand that on-demand scanning is unnecessary because of on-access scanning.
Please read carefully: My ‘preference’ is to run a full virus scan and smart scan once a month.
Is the Smart Scan included in a full virus scan or do the Smart Scan and Full Virus Scan scan different areas.
Avast’s real-time protection consists of ‘File Shield,’ ‘Behavior Shield,’ ‘Web Shield,’ and ‘Mail Shield’, all of which are considered on-access scanning?
If it is too much effort to answer these two Qs, please ignore and allow someone else to answer.
‘Thank you’ for directly answering the second question.
Regarding the first question:
My ‘preference’ is to run a full virus scan and smart scan once a month.
Is the Smart Scan included in a Full Virus Scan or do the Smart Scan and Full Virus Scan scan different areas? I ask because, f the FVS scans areas that the SS does, I only have to run the FVS.
The Smart Scan isn’t part of the Full Virus Scan (as far as virus scanning goes), the Smart Scan is scanning different areas and files (to a lessor degree), you can see this in the fact that it is quicker than the Full Virus Scan. See Note below.
Open the avastUI Settings > General > Smart Scan and expand that section and you will see what it will scan. In the Scan for viruses, you can click Customise and see what is scanned.
I suggest that you spend a little tine checking out the avast settings and you will get an idea of what each scan does and how you can further customise your scans. Then you will be able to decide what you want to run.
Note: It used to be that the Smart Scan could be customised in two areas, the one above and from the Smart Scan. Avast were meant to be changing that so it was only customisable from one location (within the Protection area). But I have yet to see that yet, I don’t know if it is in the current beta testing session that is running.
Okay, it sounds like you are saying that the Smart Scan and the Full Virus Scan scan different areas so I will continue to run both scans.
I just wanted to make sure that I was not in ‘overkill’ mode by running a Smart Scan when it is already included in the Full Virus Scan, which it obviously is not.
To double-check a point, unlike a full virus scan which can be scheduled for a later date, a smart scan cannot be scheduled to run at a later date and can only be run for the current time, correct?