Game runs very poorly FPS sided

Hello all,
I play a game named “Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force” on Steam, the FPS dropped since the latest Avast Internet Security Update, removing the Program and rerunning it shows good FPS like on any other Roleplay game i have with similiar spec requirements, the Developers said it must be forwarded to Avast in this case as they cannot do anything, i showed them the dxdiag file etc.

Like when it occurs its 6 FPS while other games my FPS are like atleast on 60 if not even 120.
I use a license of Avast Internet Security

PC specs in case this is somewhat needed.
Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit
16 GB Ram (Virtual Ram recommended 5627 MB, allocated 10624)
NVidia Geforce GTX 970 (by Gigabyte)
Intel I-Core 5 3350P CPU 4x 3.1 GHz

So hope this can be fixed in a future update so i can enjoy all my games + being protected by Avast. :slight_smile: