Gaping security hole in Time Warner cable routers

A gaping security hole in cable modems distributed to Time Warner/Road Runner customers could potentially be exploited remotely to access private networks and possibly capture and manipulate private data

Those using Time Warner/Road Runner and have the SMC8014 router please be careful and call them to find out when this is going to be fixed.

Hi malware fighters,

There are millions of people online whose routers and webcams are wide open to the world and hackers. Re:

Just simply because users of connections did not change the standard known and weak log-in password of the router for a stronger one. 300.000 applications were found online where the admin interface was accessible. And there are lists online with all standard log-in standard user names and passwords per a couple of thousand sorts of router types. Here you read about a security script that scanned for vulnerable devices:

Darpa and Homeland Security that sponsored this survey know about these issues, so time for vendors to act on behalf of the security of their end-users, we cannot wait until another digital Robin Hood to enforce stronger passwords on all these vulnerable machines,
