We do not need to be very smart to infere that the number of downloads of Firefox per habitants unit ,in a country, is an almost good barometer for the level of wealth (in the good sense of quality of life(not quantity)).
Not totally good though.
I am glad Iran has a very high rate of downloads, probably more because
it was an official government choice than because of a very high average standard of living.This is only my thoughts, i have no real information. i Hope nobody will make war on them.
Brasil has a really high rate for latinamerican standards, this shows Brasil with Lula (a left wing president) is going out from third world poverty.Still more to do to take people off from poverty, good luck to them.
USA has still got the higher rate, but only 17 % more than Germany which got the higher rate in Europe per habitant unit.
And now, and this is why i write this , think in this poor people in Africa.Just look at the downloads map and you´ll see countries with 12 downloads. How would you feel if you lived in such poor countries where having a computer is pure luxe allowed only for the very rich. and all this happens now.
Western Sahara: 0 downloads
Mauritania : 39
Guinea : 17
Niger : 25
Chad : 2
Central African republic :3