hallo - ist jemand da , der deutsch spricht ???
ich bräuchte hilfe bei meine avast “on acces schutz steuerung” !!!
if not - i need help with the “on acces protection”
the problem is that i couldn’t run any “provider” - i always get an error message like this :
“the aavm sub-system has found an RPC mistake” -
what should i do ???
RPC is lately become well known to people due to the msblast virus. Make sure you have ALL windows security update/patches installed
Go here for to update your operating system > http://and that your system is not infected. windowsupdate.microsoft.com < See if that solves your problem.
hmmm , this seems strange to me because i’ve installed a new os on my pc & haven’t connectet do the internet without firewall - ist it possible for the msblast to come thru the ZONELABS firewall ???
This has nothing to do with the MSBlast, or with any other virus. I also saw this kind of error.
In the case that I saw:
When you load up Windows, for quite some time there is an X mark on the resident icon of Avast. If you click on it, you’ll get this error message, that there are some RPC error. Then, after you waited enough time, the RPC call has a timeout, and the antivirus’ resident protection starts to work. It seems to be a problem with the startup of the antivirus. I saw this only on one computer (of a friend of mine). It might take, however a few minutes until the real time protection starts to work, but it always start.
Some RPC errors won’t let the antivirus to start…
In this cases, sometimes, a full uninstall and reinstall could work. Check if the Windows services are starting automatically. Hope this help :-*
On a second thought, I shouldn’t have entered the considerations of Avast here, even though I cannot think of a reason why RPC is needed for an antivirus to function on a standalone computer.
Because RPC (the RPC layer) is a like shell, containing lots of APIs and protocols.
avast Home/Pro only uses LPC (local-procedure-call) - quite an optimized set of functions used for inter-process communication on the same machine, but still, this thing is accessible by the RPC APIs!
I have the “the aavm subsystem detected a RPC error” error also.
I just clicked on the “Stop on-access protection and exit” right mouse menu on Avast icon…
then I cannot make it work again…
I’ve been waiting for more than 20 minutes now.
I already had that trouble and un/reinstalled. This is boring me.
i’ve tried it now - error message 5 - acces denied >:(
also when i’ve tried to start the avast control service :-[
this programm is going to kill my nervs
Wader, are your Windows updated? Did you try to uninstall and install avast! again? I cannot imagine that a RPC error continue avoiding you to have the best antivirus
yes - my win2k is fully updated
also i’ve tried to uninstall (included that i’ve deletet all entrys from the registry) & then to install again - same error :-\
the strange thing is that i think i could remember that this error cames up after register & updating AVAST !!!
so , anybody any idea ???
(btw: i use as i said WIN2k [complete updatet] / ZoneAlarm 5 [home version] / spamihilator [last version]
no - both the avast-service & the avast antivir doesn’t start - they are set to start automatically but they don’t do :-[
when i try to start them by hand i get the error-message as follows (don’t remember it exactly 'cause i’m sitting in the office now , not at home) :
error 5 - acces denied - could’nt start the service on the local computer
Hmm, access denied??
Haven’t you played with the security settings of your folders? Is your disk formatted with the NTFS filesystem?
Please make sure that the “C:\Program Files” folder has Full Access right set for the account SYSTEM. This is absolutely necessary (of course, it has it by default but you might’ve removed this right…?).