Getting freaked out here...

I did a scan on my computer with Avast 4.8 and found two rather peculiar ‘trojans’

one found here:

and one called wextract.exe found in the i386 folder.

My database version is 091119-0 (I’m assuming this is the latest)

I’ve checked with Malwarebytes and confirmed that wextract.exe is a false positive.

Though I am concerned about the first one. Help?

[font=Segoe UI]Hello SoraXNagisa,

Please submit the suspected files to VirusTotal and provide us a link to the results.

This is the Setup one, since the wextract.exe is confirmed to be an FP

[font=Segoe UI]Sorry but, the file you sent was 0599993a38ea156457156ece4dbdec56-1911.txt. I believe, it was supposed to be setup.exe? Either ways, the file you sent was considered as a false positive, even by avast ( and it’s quite surprising that avast did not detect it [abbr=according]accdg[/abbr] to the VT results.)

…yes, it was… hang on.

Edit: Now it refuses to read properly.

Scanning against one single source isn’t what I would call confirmed to be an FP, so I would suggest that you still upload the wextract.exe to virustotal and post the results.

However, there has a recent VPS Update, now 091119-1 so first ensure you have the latest VPS and scan those files again, before doing anything else.